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Human health in space

Nice to hear that astronauts are trained to do basic medical procedures at the international space station as they can use AED, CPR and even intramuscular medicines.

Telemedicine using ultrasound and guided ECG is also functional there.

It is heartening to hear astronauts return to earth in the same or better shape even after 6-12 months on board the ISS.


It is silent progressive systemic skeletal disease with low bone mass and susceptibility to fracture.

Adult bone undergoes constant re modeling to maintain strength.

Risk factors are cigarette  smoking, low body weight, alcoholism, estrogen deficiency and genetic as well as endocrine disorders are included.

Calcium, vitamin D, estrogen and parathyroid hormones help maintain bone homeostasis.

Speciality training regimes such as tai chi chuan exercises are useful in improving agility and balance thereby reducing the risk for falls and subsequent fractures.

Foods rich in calcium are important for all individuals. 


Sweets, desserts: A portal to an unhealthy munching

Posted on January 3rd, 2023

Recent pattern in adolescence:

Children have increased their intake of processed food intake during the pandemic, especially cakes, desserts, pastries which is leaving a big impact on overall health, nutrition literacy should be an integral part of the health education curriculum in all educational organizations.


  • Follow a healthy dietary pattern at every life stage,

  • Stay within calorie limits,

  • Limit foods that are higher in sugar, saturated fats and sodium

Courtesy: Guidelines “ Make every bite count ”

News references from

Still practicing, why?

Posted on October 10th, 2022

Is there an age limit………….question of this era.

Age limits are not formally set in the private sector but seem still limited for middle aged professionals.

In São Paulo, Brazil, many doctors are practicing around the age of 82. Doctors have a professional longevity that does not exist for other professions where people retire and go on in other areas of work. Can age interfere in the area of performance? For example, a dermatologist who requires more visual acuity than a psychiatrist, but this discussion is not very open as to what to do in this respect.

Are we consuming more salt than our necessity

Posted on September 19th, 2022

Intake of salt is a biological necessity. However, excessive salt intake is associated with high B.P. than linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Estimation is that 5 million deaths per year worldwide happens due to this but how to control it as hidden salt content is there in our diet. In a study of 50,1379 participants from the UK, biobank researchers found that adding more salt to food was significantly associated with a higher risk of premature mortality and lower life expectancy independently of diet, lifestyle, socioeconomic level, and pre-existing diseases. Although there is ongoing debate about the extent of salt effects on CVS, there is no doubt that in most places in the world, people are consuming more salt than the body needs.

How nature helps the brain

Posted on September 19th, 2022

News published online is so useful for depression, anxiety and schizophrenic problems found in urban living. They measured 63 healthy volunteers brain activity before and after the walk using a fearful faces task and a social stress task

They found that amygdala activation decreased after the nature walk but remained stable after the walk in an urban environment.

Sudimac told Medscape medical news that in MRI results, they found global beneficial effects on the amygdala by increasing its threshold for activation.

So, creating more green areas in urban cities is very important in the present world.

An app vs. Medical Staff

Posted on August 16th, 2022

A study showed that when disclosing sensitive information, patients prefer an App versus staff. An app has detected so many people with problems like depression, domestic violence and sexual problems as compared to when nursing staff were asking the same questions verbally to extract similar information. So, integrating the app into practice flow is advantageous.

Employment of A.I. in medical sciences

Posted on August 16th, 2022

Google’s head of A.I. talks about the future of the EHR and technology in medicine by Eric Topol, MD, with “medicine and the machine”. 

‘ Nice information ’ as he says, in media about how they trained a model using an unsupervised neural networks and took ten million randomly selected frames from YouTube videos and we trained a model using an unsupervised learning algorithm and the system learned to recognize a whole bunch of different objects so just from the patterns and data and building higher and higher levels of abstraction through this unsupervised learning algorithm, the system developed a neuron that could tell whether there was a cat face there or not. It was quite remarkable and an eye-opening reality. 97% accuracy in retina identifying whether it is a male or a female. Google has done a lot of work on diabetic retinopathy in India, Aravind Eye Hospital and Thailand, Germany and France. Thousands of patients are benefiting from this gold standard care.

*EHR: Electronic Health Record

Chronotherapy: A rapidly growing field

Taking medications on a timely schedule can significantly improve their effectiveness

A new analysis published in this month's issue of The Lancet journal's eClinicalMedicine suggests: Yes, they do — if you consider the patient's individual body clock. The study is the first to find that timing blood pressure drugs to a person's personal "chronotype" — that is, whether they are a night owl or an early bird — may reduce the risk for a heart attack.

                                         medical news


  1. Optimal Blood Levels: Many medications need to be maintained at a certain level in the bloodstream to be effective. Taking them at the prescribed times helps maintain these levels.

  2. Symptom Control: Some medications are timed to control symptoms better. For instance, pain medications may be scheduled to prevent pain rather than treat it once it has started.

  3. Prevent Resistance: For antibiotics and other medications, taking them on schedule can help prevent the development of resistance.

  4. Consistency: Regular dosing helps create a routine, making it less likely to miss a dose, which can compromise the treatment.

  5. Interaction with Meals: Some medications work better with or without food, and taking them as prescribed ensures they are absorbed correctly.

  6. Side Effects Management: Timely intake can help minimize side effects. For example, taking medication at night might reduce drowsiness during the day.

Afterall circadian rhythm works.

Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on how and when to take your medications for the best results.

Need of the time:

Time of day should be  considered in writing prescriptions.

Dolly Satsangi aka Gagandeep Research and regulatory affairs), 

Bachelor of pharmacy,

Bachelor of sciences,

Post graduate diploma in Theology,

Certified in Integrated medicine,

Diploma in computers. 


  1. A very important and informative knowledge sharing, chronotherapy helps in better outcome is definitely an important feed for everyone whosoever has take medicines. Keep sharing such articles.


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Medication Errors, Inaccuracies, Oversight, Faults And Dosage Miscalculations | LASA DRUGS ( Look Alike, Sound Alike )

    M edication error that was made but was caught before reaching the patient; such events have also been termed as a “ near miss ” medication error. Factors contributing to medication errors: Human related System related Medication related Human related: Provider Patient Overworked In a hurry Under - trained Do not understand the medication/use Distraced  Health literacy level Stressed  System related factors: Lack of communication Poor work flow Disorganized workplace Lack of supervision Medication related errors: Multiple dosage forms and strengths THE 6 - R’s: Right drug Right route Right time Right dose Right patient Right dosage form Other factors are: Incorrect prescriptions Illegible handwriting Drug allergy not identified Irrational combinations   ( is this readable at all ? ) Dosage miscalculations Dispensing incorrect dosage strength Failure to council the patient Miscalculation of a dose LASA DRUGS LOOK ALIKE, SOUND ALIKE ( one of the biggest reasons for medication errors

Become A Life Saver | Continuous Bleeding, We Need To Stop By Applying A Pressure Bandage | How To Handle Continuous Bleeding

A pressure bandage is used to cover a major wound and stop the bleeding. First, a sterile pad is used over the wound to cover it, second, the elastic part of the bandage is attached to the sterile pad which is used to wrap around the injury and apply pressure over the wound. All first aid kits should contain pressure bandages to enable you to treat wounds effectively. How to use: 1. Choose the pressure bandage large enough to cover the entire wound. 2. Ensure that you are wearing disposable clothes. Gloves to protect you from victims' blood. 3. Open the packaging, taking care not to touch the sterile pad as this could risk introducing infection. 4. Place over the wound and apply firm pressure. 5. Wrap the long tail of the bandage around the sterile pad ensuring the edges of the pad area are covered. 6. Tie the two ends of the bandage directly over the wound. Assessment of an unresponsive victim: [ DR ABC ] Action Plan D anger R esponse A irway B reathing C PR CPR : CAB C ompression

Beginner’s Guide To Helping A Choking Person | How To Help A Choking Person | How To Deal With Choking

Introduction Choking occurs when an object obstructs your airway and prevents air from flowing in and out of the lungs. If air cannot get into the lungs, therefore into the blood, it cannot be delivered to the tissues of the body, the most important being the brain and the heart. If the heart does not receive an adequate supply of oxygen rich blood, it will then stop beating and can lead to cardiac arrest. The common object causing obstruction is food. And other small objects Signs and symptoms of choking: Clutching the throat or chest Difficulty in breathing Coughing Grunting noises Red face initially, then turning pale or blue Reduced level of consciousness If it continues, the victim will stop breathing. First Aid (Adult): If partial blockage: Encourage to cough Provide reassurance and monitor Loosen any tight clothing around the neck Call EMS (Emergency Medical Services), if it isn't quickly resolved If complete blockage: (victim is unable to cough) Deliver abdominal thrusts